"The theory of rejecting theories." Tony Cliff
Postmodernism rejects high and low culture and emphasises the pastiche, parody, bricolage, irony and playfulness within genre. Postmodern texts also reject conventions and conventional forms.
Key ways to identify a postmodern text:
"The theory of rejecting theories." Tony Cliff
Postmodernism rejects high and low culture and emphasises the pastiche, parody, bricolage, irony and playfulness within genre. Postmodern texts also reject conventions and conventional forms.
Key ways to identify a postmodern text:
- Intertextuality - a text deliberately includes references to another text in the narrative
- Bricolage
- Parody - 'Scary Movie' is a postmodern text as it mocks other slasher films
- Pastiche - a text copys a certain style for example 'Sin City' copys the film noir style